I know some of you might have a strong dislike for The Sound Of Music . But I can't help myself. I've always enjoyed that movie. The theme song has been going through my head for the past few days.
I have the privilege of living in mountains. Spring is here and the grass is now green. Every morning that I awaken in spring, the hills, and mountains become more alive.
Birds are chirping, and in another month the hills will be filled with wild flowers. Often there are deer on the hill above my home.

The hills are alive with the sound of all creation, in their own way, praising Him. How cool is that?!
I also feel like those little birds who start early and chirp for hours when spring arrives. I feel like I am about to burst with songs of praise and thoughts of praise.
Today I had the privilege of leading worship. This is one of my favorite things to do, and I always thank God for being able to lead and feel like - "This is my destiny... this is what I was created for."
New songs burst out from various people in the congregation, and I had them come and sing it out with all their might. It was so fun to watch the uniqueness, and see His presence on each face.
One of the greatest perks about being a worship leader, is to be able to watch people get lost in worship and to see His glory on each face, in distinct and unique ways.
Thanks God for allowing us to burst with sounds of music and praise to You. Help us to always let it out!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also feel like those little birds who start early and chirp for hours when spring arrives. I feel like I am about to burst with songs of praise and thoughts of praise.
Today I had the privilege of leading worship. This is one of my favorite things to do, and I always thank God for being able to lead and feel like - "This is my destiny... this is what I was created for."
New songs burst out from various people in the congregation, and I had them come and sing it out with all their might. It was so fun to watch the uniqueness, and see His presence on each face.
One of the greatest perks about being a worship leader, is to be able to watch people get lost in worship and to see His glory on each face, in distinct and unique ways.
Thanks God for allowing us to burst with sounds of music and praise to You. Help us to always let it out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheryl - The changes you have made to your two sites are magnificent.
Lord, Bless the creativity in Cheryl!!! I pray for continued increase for you in your gifting.
Love, Rhonda
Do you remember when we DRAGGED our guys to the home in Vermount where the VanTrapp (spelling?) family from the sound of music lived when they came to the US. Kevin certainly hasn't forgotten, it rated as one of his more "painful days". lol
I will probably torture him tonight humming "The Sound of Music"....after reading your blog I can't get it out of my head.
It must be a beautiful perspective from were You are seeing all the faces of people worshiping and getting Lost in Gods Pressence!
You truely live out Your Passion the way God designed You to be!
Love that You are Encouraging others to "LET IT OUT!"
Love You My friend!
oh all I can say is warm fuzzies:o)
I would have loved to have been in that service (providing I wasn't the one bursting into song).So glad to see that you are still leading worship..
By the way...the Sound of Music rocks!
Forever a Julie Andrews fan
Love Karen
I walked down the aisle to Edelweiss. Corny huh? But I have always loved that song,about pure white flowers.
Hmmm Hmm Hummmm soft and white, clean and bright, you look happy to greet me.... hum hum hum......
Sorry we tortured you in Vermont, Kev........... I won't ever do it again!
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