Dec 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Its hard to believe that 2007 is now ending! The year has flown by, and for me, it has been quite a year of transition.

After caring for my special needs daughter for 17 years, she moved into her new digs near my home. All of it is a tremendous gift from God, but still... she is no longer with me, right under my watchful eye everyday. She is however being closely watched by God and other amazing Christian people... and I am grateful.

I ended one position, and started a new full time job. It has been a big learning curve, meeting 28 new staff members, sorting out my role and learning the skills necessary. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve leaders all across Canada, and I am grateful for this transition.

Tonight, my husband and I have been asked to share our heart about the upcoming year. In the past few days I have been pondering and asking God what He has in store, and what does He want to say to His people. I'm not one given to "words from God" that aren't backed up by a scripture, or at least have some scripture in it, but this is what I saw and heard.

I saw a picture of a field filled with huge giants laying down side by side, all covered in dirt and sand... as though they had been lying down on the ground for quite some time, and the dust of the day had settled over them. They were motionless.

The Lord showed me that we are all "giants" in the Spirit. We have all been called to great things, gigantic assignments and things that call for the "greatness" that comes from Him.

He showed me that there have been many who have been "laying down", for various reasons.

Some have become weary, some had stumbled and fallen, some were wounded, some in need of a good rest. Others have been ill, or disappointed with the outcome of some battles. There have been many reasons.
In all of it, many giants were down on the ground and had stopped, whether it be from God asking them to stop and rest, or because they had lost energy. Either way, there was no movement, and they were in a position of lying down, almost looking as though they were dead.

God told me, "Tell my giants that its time for them to get up and shake off the dust. Its time to pick their swords back up. Its time to go back to the Father and get replenished. Its time to go back to the Father and get new orders. Its time for a new beginning."

The number 8 means - New beginnings.

I believe God is asking us to wake up from our slumber, shake the dust off, and go to Him to get new orders, and get replenishment from Him, to be ready for what He has for us in the future.

We need to remember that what nourished us in the past, may not be what we will need to sustain us in the future. Our orders may completely change. Are you ready? Am I ready?

God, help me to go to you for replenishment and refreshment. Help me realize that You are doing a new thing, and that they way You had me"conquered" things with You in the past , may not be the same for the future.
Help me to perceive the "new things, and the new beginnings" that You have for me, and that You have for us as Your Church.

Give us the strength to stand up again.
Give us the faith to believe You and believe Your new orders for us.
Help us to run to You first to receive our refreshment and nourishment that we need for the battles ahead.
Give us the courage to go a new way, to let go of the failure, disappointment, disillusionment, the discouragement, the old ways, the old strategies, help us let go, so that we can receive the new.
Help us to see that we are all called to be "giants" in the faith.
Thank you that with You, all things can become new. Its time for a new beginning...

Don't you know that the LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. 29 He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. 30 Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. 31 But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Is. 40:28-31

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.Is 43:19


Shaun and Holly said...

I am so blessed to have read your words today. I read them to Shaun as well...thank you!!

Rhonda said...

Thank you for sharing Cheryl. I'm not surprised that you and Sid were asked to speak.

I've been spending a lot of my Christmas break sleeping. Sleeping in in the mornings and napping in the afternoons. I fell asleep this afternoon watching a movie with Mark and he commented, "Is that all you do is sleep?". I felt extra tired coming into the break and have enjoyed getting the much needed rest.

Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Its hard when you are working full time, and serving with your hubby. Enjoy the provision of rest over the holidays. I'm back at work on Wednesday.

Jen said...

I've been busy with New Years parties and guests, so haven't gotten to your blog until this morning.
I had a heavy heart going to sleep last night, just asking God some questions.

Thanks for your post and word for 2008, I am encouraged. How did the speaking go?

Shari said...

I say Yes and Amen... and come along side in agreement with this word. God help us to see ourselves as you do.. too often we view ourselves as grasshoppers... when in your reality we are GIANTS... equipped by the Spirit to do great things.

Thanks Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Thanks gals... Jen the speaking went well I think. We were asked to share it again the next day at a house gathering.
Take this word as yours men and women of God!

Roxanne said...

Excellent word and well written Cheryl.

Rhonda said...

P.S. It's now the 17th of January. (hint hint)

Shaun and Holly said...

missing you!!!

Shaun and Holly said...

it's Jan. 22nd! hint.....

Jen said...


joanne said...

Thanks, Cheryl for your kind comment on my new blog.

We experience new beginnings in so many ways, no matter how old we are as God leads us on. Sometimes the key is, being "aware of it" (vs 29) so we don't miss out in playing in that "river"!

I look forward to following your writings.