NOTHING.... is beyond His redemption. Yay God!
Even though I have faced many long, difficult, overwhelming challenges... I always stop and ask Him where He is. I choose to see God. I see Him moving, I see His provision. Sometimes it takes a moment, a few hours, or a few days, but eventually when I choose, I am able to see and hear Him in the midst of my trials. I can see Him in the midst of others trials as well.
Even the things that seem hopeless, or beyond any repair. He is walking with us, in the midst of it. Midst means being right in the middle or as I would say:
"Right in the thick of it" "Right in the center of it all"

He never misses anything. He is right in the middle of what is going on in our lives. Make no mistake. Don't believe a lie...... He is there.
Psalm 139 says: even if I make my bed in the depths of hell... behold you are there O God.He is always in our midst; moving, speaking, whispering hope, redeeming, re-ordering, reviving, refreshing, renewing, restoring, rebuilding.
Only God can do these things.
God, thank you that You never leave us or forsake us. You are always with us and You are in our midst... even our most ordinary of days, even in our most difficult of days, even in our most special of days. In it all - YOU ARE THERE.
Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
you preserve my life;
you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes,
with your right hand you save me.
The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever— Ps 138
He restores ALL things...maybe not how we think or when we'd like....but He does it and He does it so very well!
He is there (didn't you write a song that says that)?!! ;o)
I love the He promises in the Psalms to fulfill His purposes for me.
Yes, He is always with us, no matter what the circumstance may be whispering/speaking/shouting.
thanks. I needed that today.
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