Feb 7, 2009

Start Singing!

This morning I awoke to an amazing gift. Not only did I get to sleep in, but the melodious sound of one solitary bird, caused my ears to perk up, and caused an immediate reaction in my heart.

I went from sleepy, to hopeful, and happy in an instant.

This meant that spring will soon be coming!

After a long winter of silence. One solitary bird, singing a melody, awoke me from my slumber.

In that moment I was reminded that February is known as the "darkest month" It is a month where many struggle with depression and the symptoms of it are exacerbated and cause many to fall prey to its damaging pressure. Some even consider suicide.

Each of us have an ability to "sing" songs of hope. Not only with a tune, but in a myriad of ways.
I believe that our lives are a reflection of worship. This is why I have this blog. Its to remind you - of your great purpose.

True worship is outward expression of an inward reality.

I want to remind you today, even in this moment, to SING!
Sing, to help draw others out of darkness and into light. Sing to remind others of the hope and promise of spring.

Now, I don't mean you literally have to sing (although personally I love it) For some of us, people around us may not appreciate our vocal talents, but they sure would love to be reminded that the winter season doesn't last forever!

Sometimes, when the days are dark, we need just one simple little "bird" to remind us of the promises that are available to us, and freely given by a loving God.

You are destined to live a lifestyle of worship, and the greatest thing you can do is share the joy and remind others of who God is.

You get to display His character, promises and kindness to others whenever you choose to.

It can come in the most amazing "unique-to-you" packages! Like, writing a note of encouragement, or opening a door with a smile for a frustrated young mom with screaming babies. Or, it could be shoveling a driveway, or sharing a word of encouragement, or being kind even when you don't want to be.
The possibilities are endless!!

If you ask God, don't worry, He'll show you how to "sing", and it will not only bring you a sense of purpose, but it will bring life and light to someone who is desperately trying to push back the darkness.

So, my friends... START SINGING!

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter.


Shaun and Holly said...

I love it how you think!!

I am going to ask God to show me, how He would like me to "sing" to bring others hope. I all ready have some ideas but I know He may have something new for me! :)

I love the gift God gave you this morning, waking up to hear that song. "Oh How He Loves Us"!!

Dave said...

Thanks for the encouragement in your blog and in your comments on mine.

I have to sing alone, because my kids don't like when I sing. Good thing God loves it.

Bless you Cheryl, your blog is needed in times like this.

Jen said...

Ohhhh, this is soooo good on so many levels, love you Cheryl. One of my favorite things is to hear the first song bird(s) of Spring...it really does bring a new sense of HOPE.
I think I would like to sing....

Shari said...

Birds line up on our back fence and sing so many beautiful songs.
In the darkest months of my life - God's light has shone through worship!

Time and time again I am shocked at how just a little encouragement grows a ton of hope.

God has been showing me how we under estimate our influence on others. We as Christians have the power (God's Power and the Holy Spirit's Power) within us to adjust and set the atmosphere around us. WOW now that is so Amazing!


Amy said...

Cheryl--I posted a blog of Kari JObe's song I'm singing BEFORE I read this post--so cool!!!

I'm singing!