At each place I visit, I see such love in people’s eyes. I see a genuine love for one another, I see love for God, and I see people who love their land.
As we drive through various villages, it is very noticeable that the Europeans love their country. Their yards, for the most part are not huge like we know in North America, and yet, they groom them with the utmost of care.
Everyone that I have met has displayed a level of honor and
Even though, at times, we can only communicate on a small level… I can see and feel a huge amount of love. In this love, I feel like I belong and that I am family. I have become keenly aware that I belong to a worldwide kingdom.
Love is the greatest gift on earth, it transcends culture, and dialect. It brings healing and restores joy. It is an eternal gift that last far beyond time and reasoning.
I have enjoyed being a part of a band with people who I had never met before. We have laughed and enjoyed music together a lot. In and through them, I see a new fresh fragrance of Jesus. I am learning things that I did not know or understand before, and in all of it, I am richer, wiser and more loved.
John 13:35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”
Rom. 13:8 ¶ Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.
"They will know we are Christians by our LOVE." With God's love in us, how can it not overflow for all to see?
We are one big family - we just don't always have contact with all the branches of our family. :o) God has given you opportunity to experience this. BLESS YOU!!! and thank you for letting us share it with you.
love the scriptures. God has been challenging me with that one...that the world will know that we are Christians because of our love for other Christians. Help us Lord to truely love one another.
Lovely :)
That is awesome that you get to experience all of that. I know what you mean about the servants heart...that is how the girls from Germany and Switzerland were like to work with out at the girls home.
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