There are many things that are not in order or not completely in alignment with the full purposes that God has for us individually or corporately as a body of Christ…. But I choose not to focus on those things.
I choose to focus on what He is doing and how He is stirring the body of Christ into greater maturity. I choose to find ways to serve His body and to see His kingdom established.
As I travel Europe, I see Him moving in the hearts of hungry men and women. I see that He is stirring up a greater hunger for His presence. I see people who desire to align themselves with His kingdom purposes here on earth. I see people passionate in worship, prayer and in the word.
I see the power of agreement found in Matthew 18:19
“that if two of you agree on earth about anything
Even though I cannot speak the language, I can become one with them. His Spirit makes us one. As I hear them speaking or praying in a language I cannot understand; my heart and spirit bears witness with theirs, and I choose to come into agreement with them.
In these moments, I feel as though I am a part of something great, something supernatural, and something that goes beyond time or reasoning.
I am part of the kingdom of God that is being established here in Europe.
I love it that God transcends culture, dialect, and geography. I love it that He divinely pulls together people for a time and season for reasons that we may never completely understand. I love to see Him moving in the hearts and lives of humble people, all over the earth.
2 Chr. 7: 14
“If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
One day we will be in Heaven with MANY from all tongues, tribes, and nations. We are all ONE now by His Spirit. They are family!!
Bless you as you minister in the nations where God moved powerfully in the past (He sent His Gospel from there to North America). We can take seeds back to these people who allowed His fire to burn low. Father, fan into flames Your Revival fires in Europe!!
yes, a good prayer Cheryl... I agree with this one!!
What an awesome experience!!
Isn't it awesome to touch the heart of another area or nation only to find out that God is doing the same thing in hearts all over the world?!?!
May the fruit of this trip continue to ripen and be harvested.
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