Why do you say, "The Lord doesn't notice our condition"? People of Israel, why do you say, "Our God doesn't pay any attention to our rightful claims"?
Don't you know who made everything? Haven't you heard about him? The Lord is the God who lives forever. He created everything on earth. He won't become worn out or get tired. No one will ever know how great his understanding is.
He gives strength to those who are tired. He gives power to those who are weak.
Even young people become worn out and get tired. Even the best of them trip and fall.
But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles.
They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak. Isaiah 40:27-31
I am a wiser, stronger woman. I am learning the power of trust and waiting on the Lord.
Last week, I spent 5 hours at hospital and doctor appointments, with no resolve or answer for my daughter. I left baffled, and even more resolved to wait on God for answers. I decided to push against the oppression and despair by worshiping even more and declaring His goodness to me through the power of community relationships, the power of agreement in prayer and the power of the body of Christ.
Saturday morning, she was still rough, and certainly not herself.
On Saturday night as I slept, I felt as though I was praying all through the night, making my requests known to God. I boldly asked, I was seeking and knocking on heavens door, asking for relief. Somehow I knew I was not alone.
I kept reminding God how, this was His problem, and only He had the answer. So, I kept waiting, asking, believing and reminding Him of His goodness and power.
Sunday morning, Lindsay dramatically improved. By Sunday afternoon, she was able to walk. A bit unsteady, and not 100%, but considering she has moved much in 7 weeks - this was miraculous!
I cried tears of joy and felt overwhelming relief. I was grateful for the simplicity of being able to walk and move. I knew that He was the answer to this miracle. No one else could do it. He was the only solution.
The renewal of Lindsay's strength did not come when I wanted it to, but it did come.
I don't get to choose when, I just get to choose to wait.............on the Lord.
Waiting will always bring strength, its His promise.
Since before time began no one has ever imagined, No ear heard, no eye seen, a God like you who works for those who wait for him. - Isaiah 64:4 - The Message
One of the songs we did on Sunday jumped out at me... it was on waiting. I was thinking of how I'm sometimes impatient and don't wait with God as I should.
I thought of all the places of waiting over the years. We accept that going to an appointment often requires "waiting"... We'll wait in a line-up to eat at the right restaurant... but oh, it seems so hard at times for me to wait on God.
Anyhow, just found it interesting that this is the message of your post.
Great news about Lindsay. I'm praying for 100%. Blessings
It's great to hear about Lindsay's progress. Yes, we 'get to choose to wait..on the Lord'. While I wait I have to refrain myself from wanting to help God out!! That's takin' a lot of practice for me.
YEAH GOD!!!!!!!!!
I am doing the Happy dance on the inside Cheryl!!!!
Waiting is SOOOOO hard, especially when it's YOUR sweet pea that is suffering, It really is always worth it though.
I say MORE LORD! We need Lindsey completely well!
More and more healing for Princess Sweet Pea!! And may God restore your rest Cheryl and Sid.
PRAISE THE LORD!!! I am so very thankful. What a huge relief for you! Sunday must have been a great day.
Lindsay is so blessed to have you for her Mom!
Thank you God!
You're a blessing, thanks for sharing with us.
praise the lord yippee lindsey anthony has big smiles for her
Praise God! I am so happy to hear she is doing better and I pray that she will be fully restored so she can get walking again.
Something I found really encouraging in your blog, that you kept reminding God that this was His problem. So often I can forget that my problems are no longer mine. You hear all the time that we are called to "cast our anxiety on Him because He cares for us" but something about the way you worded it really spoke to me. Very clear that our minor problems are God's to sort out! What an amazing God we worship that He takes away our burdens when we come to Him and replaces it with peace. May the peace of God that surpasses ALL understanding be with you and your family.
Always an inspiration Cheryl!
And true...wiser & stronger.
Love you much.
Prayers continue for Linds...
Thanks all, I'm leading worship again this Sunday, and decided I would start it off with an old song.... Trading My Sorrows. I haven't sung it in forever, and how appropriate!
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