Nov 1, 2008

The African Dream - Part 2

It seems like forever since I've had time to write of Africa, although each day it has been in my heart. We have been extremely busy at my work, preparing for and hosting The NOVA Experience so there has been no extra time for me to write. For those who have waited for the rest of the story... here's more.

Well, the second day in Africa had our team maneuvering through the harried traffic of Nairobi.

It is an extremely busy city filled with millions of people, countless crazy drivers, and almost no traffic signs.

I saw things along the road that overwhelmed
me, made me laugh, and had me scratching my head in wonder.

After much concentration and perseverance, we found our way through the harried streets to a local hospital where we were to help pick up 4 babies that had been abandoned. They needed to be checked over by a Pediatrician before taking them home to the orphanage.

The first time we met Lucy (the overseer of the orphanage) was in the exam room. She was delighted to see us, and immediately asked for help. The orphanage had never taken new born babies. The youngest they had taken was 6 month olds, and they had only ever taken 2 at a time.

I found it hard to hold back tears of joy, as I immediately took a babe into my arms. They were so little! So beautiful, and so very chosen of God.
It could only be God that could arrange for babies to be born - a date of transfer to be arranged, and for him to send 8 Canadians on the exact day - to welcome these sweet ones into the world.

Immediately I was able to see His hand in a huge way. Immediately I was able to see that He had a plan for me in this.
Years ago, I had been blessed to work for a pediatrician, and during that time, gained tremendous experience and a deeper love for infants and children. Simply put - I LOVE babies.

As I watched the doctor examine the first baby and as I heard Lucy mumble words of uncertainty as to how she would keep all the specific needs straight... I realized my first assignment had begun.

So, with all the boldness in me, I put my hand out and introduced myself to the pediatrician, told her of my experience and started assisting her with the examinations, and writing down all the info needed to care for these sweet ones.

As each babe got finished being examined, I would take them to our team in the hall outside - waiting to help and provide a loving arm.

Some on the team had never even held a newborn before. Instantly they were submersed into the chaotic and scary feelings that caring for a newborn can bring.
Oh, how I loved seeing the babes unwrapped from their blankets for the first time. I saw God's divine miracle of creation and His destiny unfolding. I prayed a lot under my breath thanking God for allowing me to love on a rescued one and for the privilege to bless the day of their adoption into a new community of love. History was set for these 4 new ones, and I got to be a part of it.
I said, "God, what do you have for them in the future? It must be great - because You have orchestrated many to help them come to the fullness of what You have for them."

How kind is God? He doesn't have to include us, and yet He does. He allows us to participate in and witness His redemption process.
This day, as we left the hospital, my heart was swelling with thoughts of worship and wonder of a majestic King who cares about all things and everyone all at the same time. He knew the day these babes would be born, He knew that I a dream to be a part of something like this since I was a young girl, He knew Lucy needed help, He knew many many things.

O Lord, you have searched me and know me

You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.

You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.

Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.

You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.


Rhonda said...

Oh Cheryl. I am in awe of how God co-ordinates so beautifully. We just have to say 'yes' and we are blessed to be a part of his miracle.

I'm so happy for you to have had this life-changing experience.

Jen said...

Great new look to the Blog Cheryl!
I love your update, the pictures are absolutely precious and I know I would have been crying all over these little gifts...God is indeed a tremendous orchestrator of all things good and for our good.
So glad you were there for them.

Shaun and Holly said...

I am PROUD of you!!!!!

Thanks for sharing!