Mully Children’s Family (MCF) is a Christian, non-denominational, non-profit making, rehabilitation organization for street children, orphans, abandoned, abused, HIV/AIDS affected and infected, desperate and neglected children regardless of their religion, sex, color or tribe, who have nowhere to call home and no one to care for them.
In Kenya, MCF operates 6 Projects in three different provinces. I was privileged to visit the Yatta site.

Charles and Esther Mulli, are the visionaries behind MCF.
If you haven't had a chance to read their story yet in Father To The Fatherless, please do, you will be overwhelmed at God's divine plan and weep at the stories of God's love for the orphans. You can see the book on the side bar of this site.
As soon as we arrived, Charles's daughter took us on a tour of the site. We were shown a great vision. A vision for orphanages to be completely sustainable, and actually give back to the community. They produce many products that they can sell, and generate revenue for the orphanage as well as providing food, and jobs in the community.

They are building water resevoirs.
They are training children in trades.
And they are loving children, and bringing hope.
This particular site takes in young (very young) women who are pregnant and want to keep their babies.
They provide them with a safe environment and teach them how to be a mother and to learn new skills.
If He can rescue them... If He has a great plan for them....What makes us ever consider that He doesn't have our future close to His heart?
Psalm 146
7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets prisoners free,
8 the LORD gives sight to the blind,
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,
the LORD loves the righteous.
9 The LORD watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked
Right there, God confronted me, He reminded me that His plans are infinite. He considers all things, He sees all things, He longs to look after His kids, and He does it through ordinary people who carry His heart. Some serve in Africa, some give finances, some pray, but it is all part of His provision and purpose.
Now this scripture had visual context.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I saw the hopelessness and poverty on the roads of Kenya, I was overwhelmed with the need, the despair, the conditions. At yet, here at MCF, I could see with my eyes, His plan. I could see hope and a future.
That night, after we toured the site, we were invited to particpate in a worship gathering. I wept as I sat in the room, listening to the overpowering songs of worship from about 500+ children.
I heard songs of hope and joy. I saw love in their eyes, as they greeted Charles and Esther (whom they call mother and father) I saw contentment. I saw Jesus, and I heard a heavenly sound that I will never forget. The sound of worship and gratitude from many tribes and another tongue.
God had always known of my longing to hear the sounds of worship around the world, and most especially to hear it from children. I have always loved the songs that come from children. They carry such simplicity, such trust, such joy.
And these beauties, carried the hope of Christ within their hearts and voices.
They knew that the Father was watching out for them.
And I, felt like the richest woman on earth.
(This is some of the kids, after the service... still lingering and singing.... and me, after 48 hours days of travelling....... trying to get the rhythm... (Ha, nice try Cheryl)
Oh Cheryl!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful children with us!
God truly has a plan for every one of these precious ones and every one of us as well...He is a God of endless Hope.
thanks for sharing all of this!! I love the pics, your words and the video!
What an amazing experience!
Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn
I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!
What an incredible experience!
Caution - the comments from "learn chinese" and "andy guo" are word for word IDENTICAL to comments left on one of my recent posts. (I deleted them from my post immediately as I was a bit suspicious)
I could be over caution but wanted to draw your attention to this.
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