Oct 1, 2008

Living A Dream

Ever since I was a young child I had a dream to be a missionary in a third world country. I have already written about this in my previous post called Living Your Dreams Through Your Kids

I wrote that post on May 13. How would I know that 2 months later, someone, who I had just met,would offer to take me to Africa, to visit and serve at an orphanage?

When the person, offered this trip to me, inside my heart, I heard God say:

"Do you remember what you just wrote... you had let go of the dream to go to a third world country and do missions. You let go, and were OK with that........ but I didn't forget your dream. I never forgot."

In that moment, my heart was swirling with emotions, and I was unable to even give an answer to the offer. "Was this for real?" I thought? "God is this you?"
Could this be real? Could it be real that a kind and passionate stranger would offer me a dream, that only God knew I had.

It can be. With God all things are possible.

This dream was a good 30 years in the waiting. And now, all of a sudden, here it was.
I couldn't believe it. I had left it long behind, not in frustration, but just let it go. Not really even longing for it any more. How did He know that now was the time? Was this the time?

These and many other questions flooded my heart and spirit, to the point that I was unable to give the person an answer. I went home, told my husband, and kept thinking it couldn't be real. Finally, 2 weeks later I got up the nerve to contact the person, and find out more information.

It was perfect timing. That day, she had booked the tickets for a team, and there was one spot left. All other team members were married couples, and she needed a partner. It was me.

That day, I had to rush home at lunch, and cry. That evening, I cried. I cried tears of humility as I began to read the stories of the rescued children I would meet. I cried tears of joy, because I was about to see a dream come true.... one that had been in my heart since I was little.

God had already set it up. Right to the day. He preordered it even before I was born. How overwhelming.

He hears everything. He knows everything, He considers everything, and knows what is best for us. He only has the best in mind for us, and nothing is outside of His rule.

Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Here's a glimpse of the story that is yet to be told.

In this moment, as I held this beautiful baby, that I was helping to rescue and bring to the safe and loving care of Hope Community Centre, I was weeping, overwhelmed, and thanking God for this little beauty that I got to love, and hold and pray for and be a part of his first early days here on earth.

Thank you God. You are good.

My steps are ordered by You and You include me.....You include us in Your divine plans.
You have a plan for me. You have a plan for the beautiful children of Africa.

And you start with a dream.

I am forever grateful and my heart is filled with worship.


Rhonda said...

Oh Cheryl - that is so beautiful! Our Father in Heaven does love us so! I'm so thrilled for you. Wow - God gave you a dream because His plan for you in 2008 was to go and be a part of the lives of those little African babies. Cheryl, you are such a nurturer and God knew that you were just the one to send to 'mother' these little ones. They have seen 'Jesus on earth' when they spent time with you. Love you!

Jen said...


So glad to hear about your trip and God's faithfulness!
My heart aches over these little ones and so many just like them. I am so glad that you were part of their destiny...and God used them to fulfill part of yours.

He really doesn't ever forget the things that He has written on our hearts does he? Even when we do, or give up on them or simply give them up.

Can't wait to hear more and see more pictures.

Where was the orphanage? Wouldn't it be neat if Holly's Sisiter's little one(s), came from the orphanage that you were at?
Sometimes when thinking about adoptions, you worry about the season of their life that you did not get to spend with them...yet God sends "Cheryls" along to love and care for these children.

I love how He works!

Shaun and Holly said...

Wow! God is good and He loves us! We rejoice with you!!!

Maureen said...

Cheryl your story has renewed my hope and faith that my dreams of Africa will be fulfilled.
I now let go and let God do the rest in His timing not mine.
Your will be done Father.
Bless you Cheryl
Praying always for the children of Africa

Anonymous said...

If you want to know more about the orphanage and where it is. Click on the name Hope Community Center. At present they are not registered to permit adoptions. But they are adopted into this awesome Christian Community.... hence the name.

Tammy said...

Wow, God does love's and knows us intimately. What an honour to go a be a part of His plan for these little ones.
Look forward to hearing more about your trip.

Williams Family Blog said...

What an incredible God we serve and
what a privilege for your to be able to speak into and pray over the life of that little babe. This whole post brought me to tears. Can't wait to hear more about Africa.

Shari said...

Wow, I honestly am so thrilled for you!! My eyes filled with tears at the sight of you holding that precious baby!!

I would love to sit down over a coffee and hear all about your adventure - email and blogging is great... but it's just not the same!! You and Sid have been on my heart and mind a lot lately!!