Dec 1, 2008

I Have To Believe

Fear is rampant right now.
We are in a battle, whether it be for our family, our spouses, our finances, peace, the truth... it doesn't matter... It's a battle for our faith.
It's a battle for who and or what we believe.

God brought me back to this song that I listened to incessantly about 4 years ago. He is reminding me of it, once again. Why? Because He wants to give me Divine Strategy.

For me - this always involves songs of declaration.
This is a strategic key that builds my faith.
This is how I fight the battle. Control won't win in a battle.
Faith brings Divine Strategy and will cause us to overcome.

Listen to it, read the lyrics below.
Let your faith arise. Fight with faith.
We have to believe.. though we cannot see.


I have to believe
That He sees my darkness
I have to believe
He knows my pain
I have to lift up
My hands to worship
Worship His name

I have to declare
That He is my refuge
I have to deny
That I am alone
I have to lift up
My eyes to the mountain
It's where my help comes from

Oh yeah
He said that He's forever faithful
He said that He's forever true
He said that He can move mountains
If He can move mountains
He can move my mountain
He can move your mountain, too

Oh, I have to stand tall
When the wind blows me over
I have to stand strong
When I'm weak and afraid
I have to grab hold
Ahold of the garments
The garments of praise

I know, I know, I know
Cause He said that He's forever faithful
And He said that He's forever true
He said that He can move mountains
If He can move mountains
He can move my mountain
He can move your mountain, too

I have to sing praise
When the hour is midnight
He unlocks these chains
That bind up my soul
My sin and my shame
He has forgiven and made me whole

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Cause He said that He's forever faithful
And He said that He's forever true
He said that He can move mountains
He said that He can move mountains
He said that He can move mountains
If He can move mountains
He can move my mountain
He can move your mountain, too

I have to believe
I have to believe
He's got everything under control
I have to believe
Lord, I believe
Help my unbelief
I have to believe in You
I have to believe


Jen said...

I LOVE this song Cheryl...Thanks for the reminder, I haven't heard it in so long and it is so very powerful!!!
The truth that will change everything is in what HE HAS SAID...not what we see.
Such a great warfare song..bless you!

Shari said...
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Shari said...

Today while praying for my kids I felt very strongly - the Lord impress to me that the Greates Gift and Inheritance I can pass on to them - is to Declare with joy and peace... Faith and Hope!!
Blessings to your household

Maureen said...


Shaun and Holly said...

I love that God leads you to music that comforts you and helps you stay in His peace. Love and hugs to you.

Tiqvah said...

This is the song you were singing last night!!! I told Alyssa how much I LOVED it! Thanks for writing this Cheryl.. it's so true, Jesus wants us to have FAITH when we can't see.
I love you!

Amy said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!! It is on my favourites, and I listen to it a few times a week---I can burn up a treadmill while this song is on!!!

Love you.

Roxanne said...

This is a great song and I haven't heard it for a long time. Again, I am reminded of the power of decision: I HAVE TO BELIEVE.

redeemed diva said...

wow! I have listened to this song so many times as well. I have one of her CD's that always gets played over and over when I hit times of trial. Rita is so declarative in her songs--broken but declaring in the midst of it. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about this song--it makes the trial small and magnifies God. I need that, too.
Praying for you, Cheryl.