Dec 21, 2008


Christmas is a good time to reflect.

I often become more sentimental over the holiday season and often think back over the past year. As I do inventory in my mind, I am reminded of His goodness to me. So much happens in one year, and I love taking time to remember His goodness in my life.

I'm grateful for:
  1. Celebrating 25 years of marriage. We have survived much, and have been blessed with much love.
  2. Both our parents that are alive and well.
  3. Music... I LOVE music. It is my pathway to God.
  4. Laughter.
  5. Children. My own biological children who teach me much, and now my children of Africa.
  6. Friends.
  7. Truth.
  8. Peace.
  9. His word, both written and spoken.
  10. A job.
  11. Paid bills.
  12. Hot water and food to eat.
  13. Health.
  14. Second chances.
  15. Faith.


Maureen said...

What a wonderful list
Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your family.

Jen said...

Merry Christmas Cheryl....Love to you from the Piers!
We always miss you just a bit more at Christmas...lots of great memories.
Have a great Holiday!

Rhonda said...

Merry Christmas to the Molenaar family. Bless you all! Hope your Christmas is wonderful.

Shaun and Holly said...

I am thankful for music too! I got Shaun a Chris Tomlin and a Matt Redman CD for Christmas and his Birthday. We are loving them, especially the Chris Tomlin (Hello Love). Thank you for all your recommendations.

Shaun and I really enjoyed chatting with Sid the other day.