I often become more sentimental over the holiday season and often think back over the past year. As I do inventory in my mind, I am reminded of His goodness to me. So much happens in one year, and I love taking time to remember His goodness in my life.
I'm grateful for:
- Celebrating 25 years of marriage. We have survived much, and have been blessed with much love.
- Both our parents that are alive and well.
- Music... I LOVE music. It is my pathway to God.
- Laughter.
- Children. My own biological children who teach me much, and now my children of Africa.
- Friends.
- Truth.
- Peace.
- His word, both written and spoken.
- A job.
- Paid bills.
- Hot water and food to eat.
- Health.
- Second chances.
- Faith.
What a wonderful list
Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your family.
Merry Christmas Cheryl....Love to you from the Piers!
We always miss you just a bit more at Christmas...lots of great memories.
Have a great Holiday!
Merry Christmas to the Molenaar family. Bless you all! Hope your Christmas is wonderful.
I am thankful for music too! I got Shaun a Chris Tomlin and a Matt Redman CD for Christmas and his Birthday. We are loving them, especially the Chris Tomlin (Hello Love). Thank you for all your recommendations.
Shaun and I really enjoyed chatting with Sid the other day.
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