May 9, 2009

Celebrating Mothers Day

I've been blessed with one great mom. I only wish I had of appreciated it more when I was younger.
She has taught me so many things, I would never be able to write them all down.

Here are just a few of the eternal gifts she has shared with others and mentored me in:

  • PRAYER- ain't no one gonna come against a praying momma. This is one thing that I remember most from my childhood about my mom, and still to this day see it in action, and lean upon when I am in need. It has kept me and my family.
  • WORD - she has always used the bible as her guide, and as her recommendation for solutions to others. I have rarely gone to her for advice and not had her come back with scripture. What a blessing!
  • CREATIVITY - my mom can take anything from ordinary and turn it into beauty. She finds a way to make everything look special and make everyone feel special.
  • PILLAR - her and my dad are what I call pillars. They are solid, trusted people that you can count on, and most especially in a season of trial. They have held up our family more times that I could count.
  • BEAUTY - my mom reflects the beauty of God. She is beautiful on the exterior, and a brilliant dazzling beauty on the inside.

I have much to learn from her, and am a rich woman because of her love and influence in my life. These are just a few of my favorite things about my mom.

I am grateful for her patient love that fights through prayer and waits to serve and love whenever needed. I am rich. I'm thankful.
Happy Mothers Day, Mom.


Maureen said...

I love your mothers first lesson.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Happy Mother's Day Cheryl

Rhonda said...

Cheryl what a lovely tribute to your Mom. I know it all to be true. She really is as beautiful as you say.

Happy Mother's Day!

Shaun and Holly said...

Happy Mother's day to one of our favorite "spiritual mom's"!! I love you.

Holly and Shaun

Cyndi said...

Cheryl, although you have inherited many of these attributes from you Mom, you have carved out your own unique mothering style and been a blessing to so many! Happy Mother's Day Beautiful!

Jen said...

Happy Mother's Day...a great honoring of your mom.

Gifted to Lead Canada said...

Thanks for celebrating my mom with me, and for the kind words.
