Jun 1, 2009

Recomended Worship

I'm always on the lookout for new worship music. God kinda surprised me last week with a song right from Him. So, I'm singing that new song lately. It keeps pulling me up into hope.

Back in the winter I stumbled across this free CD by Phil Wickham. You really gotta go and get it for yourself. Its raw, authentic, live worship by a passionate worshiper. I listen to it lots while I'm working. It has some good old hymns on it as well. I love the old hymns. They are timeless songs of worship sung by generations of saints.

Go online to his site, give your email and you'll get a great free CD in return. Its definitely worth it.



Jen said...

Thanks Cheryl, I need a fresh infusion, so I have signed up too.
I really love a lot of the old hymns as well, thay generally take you back to the basics and often make me weep.

Shaun and Holly said...

Thanks Cheryl!

Rhonda said...

Thanks Cheryl. I signed up!

Tamatha said...

Thanks for the recommendation...I am loving the worship!:o)