May 15, 2011


Today I drive in heavy torrential rains and I  see abundance of water
I know this torrent brings moisture for seedlings, and bird baths and lakes and just for me
And I am blessed
I lay back in my seat and observe the magnificent variations of green
I take a deep breath,  in and out, in and out, almost rhythmically
I can feel the sacredness in the forest. A place that speaks of majesty and awe
It speaks of of watching and waiting and wonder and life
I am blessed

I find abundance and beauty and creativity as I drive for hours
I discover sea after sea of trees, standing tall, reaching to the sky and hands raised high with voices that say:
Look up!
I pull my eyes and heart upward
I see brightness, open space, a canvas that calls to imagination.
And I dream
I dream of old, I dream of future and I dream of fantasies and possibilities.
Then, I breathe and say - I am blessed

Here in this day - I see it
I see the wonder, the majesty, the simplicity and the profound
I acknowledge the blessing from the Creator who has made this for me.
I breathe and I say:
Thank you for reminding me of the gifts of water and rain and soaking and waiting for sunshine and growth to come


Unknown said...

Love! :)

Unknown said...

(oops! That is me...HOLLY!)